101 - Soy Story
The Podfather: Season 1
Matt Miles introduces us to his farm and gives us a look a raised seed beds. Perry Galloway treats some seed and gets a late start on planting as we get a look at how he runs his farming operation for high yielding soy beans.
102 - Bean There, Done That
The Podfather: Season 1
Temple Rhodes gives us a real inside look at his bean management practices on the eastern shores of Maryland. Cory Atley is swimming in rain in Cedarville, Ohio. He drives his fields and checks his bean emergence.
103 - Best Served Cold
The Podfather: Season 1
Matt Miles down in Arkansas walks some corn fields and checks ears then shows us about poly-pipe irrigation techniques. Just down the street at Perry Galloways he is checking corn ears, scouting contest bean fields for issues, works on irrigation, and takes a flight in his crop duster for the first time in several years.
104 - Soya Want To Be A Hero
The Podfather: Season 1
Temple Rhodes talks about how importance of good relationships, does a population check on corn and shares some great information. Cory Atley takes a big gamble with a test plot, or does he? He also discusses the important of mental health and getting enough rest.
105 - Soy Soldiers
The Podfather: Season 1
We get to hear from all The Podfather contestants in this episode about how they are progressing so far in the 2020 growing season with their contest bean plots and their overall operations.
106 - Tempehrature Rising
The Podfather: Season 1
It’s late August in Arkansas at Perry Galloways farm. He talks fungicides and walks his beans fields before doing some pod counts. Matt Miles gets a visit from Corn Warrior stars, Dan Luepkes and Melissa Yocum and gives them a tour of his operation including his rice fields. Perry deals with dryer issues but adapts improvises and overcomes quickly.
107 - Soy Division
The Podfather: Season 1
Temple Rhodes gets a visit from Montys rep and they do some scouting and talking management and hybrid selection. Test weight is a big thought on his mind. Latecomer Weaver looks for 5 bean pods and talks about dry weather.
108 - Tofu, Or Not Tofu?
The Podfather: Season 1
Perry Galloway is ready to harvest his beans, hopes for 100+ bushel yields. He gives us the breakdown of how he managed in the season. Matt Miles harvests some cotton and soy beans. Cory Atley shares some secrets on what he looks for on beans and talks population reductions while he harvests his contest plot. Tune in at the end of this episode for a tribute to legendary farmer Steven Albracht. She gives an inside perspective on life as a widow of a farmer.
109 - An Offer You Can't Refuse
The Podfather: Season 1
Weaver harvests his production bean plots and talks about the pressure of getting everything done before the rains. Temple Rhodes harvests some bean plots, talks smack to Weaver and gets stuck in the mud.
110 - Dust In The Wind
The Podfather: Season 1
Cory Atley, Perry Galloway, Matt Miles, Temple Rhodes and Chris Weaver recap the season and we see what yields they all got in 2020.
111 - The Donning
The Podfather: Season 1
In March of 2021, The Podfathers all met in Indianapolis, Indiana to discuss their experiences and yield results from the first season of The Podfather.