
Dan Luepkes

DAN LUEPKES Code Name: The HammerHighest Corn Yield: 328 BU/AHighest Bean Yield: 2023 BOM Score: 8.82 When Dan Luepkes, who farmed beside his father as a child, first looked into purchasing the property he now farms he was told that the probability of going bankrupt within a short time was without question. The farm, now...

Watch The Podfather – Season 1

[vc_row][vc_column][edgtf_elements_holder number_of_columns="two-columns" switch_to_one_column="1024"][edgtf_elements_holder_item background_image="4290" item_padding="21.5% 0" horizontal_aligment="center" animation_name="fade-in" animation_delay="300" item_padding_1280_1440="25% 0"][edgtf_video_button video_link=""][/edgtf_elements_holder_item][edgtf_elements_holder_item item_padding="0 15% 0 17%" item_padding_1024_1280="8% 15% 8% 17%" item_padding_768_1024="8% 10%" item_padding_600_768="10%" item_padding_480_600="70px 45px" item_padding_480="70px 45px"][edgtf_section_title title_text="101 - Soy Story" subtitle_text="The Podfather: Season 1" text_align="left" animate_on_appear="yes"]Matt Miles introduces us to his farm and gives us a look a raised seed beds.  Perry...

Temple Rhodes

Temple Rhodes is an avid outdoors-man, and is serious about the responsibility of taking care of the soil and water resources that enhance his life as well as the lives of the non-farm public. "You can't be tradition-bound in farming today," Temple Rhodes says. "We have to take advantage of new technologies to get...

Cory Atley - OH

Cory Atley

Practicing non-irrigated farming on vast acreage, he is uniquely driven to treat every acre like it's the last. He is consistently achieving higher yields across every acre. His programs teach timing, application rates, and how to utilize your own data to help maximize yields....

Perry Galloway

We’re about as close to being fully irrigated as you can get – probably 95 percent. Irrigation is a necessity because of the lighter soils. We’ve got around 30 center pivots and it’s a full-time job keeping those running. There’s also a fair share of furrow-irrigated, leveled land. A smaller portion is in...

Matt Miles

Winning the award of “Arkansas’ First farmer to make 100 bushels of soybeans per acre” in 2013 launched Matt into the national spotlight.  He meets with top farmers from around the country who are brainstorming and trying new ideas to produce higher yields using fewer resources....